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Fun & Funky Trees
This class is available online thru
You can purchase the DVD or have it downloaded to your computer
Class Description
Create this fun and funky layered and stitched tree
while learning lots of new ways to use your sewing machine's decorative stitches. Once you know how to make this tree, you can make it any size desired
Decorative Stitch Flowers

Class Description
Have you ever wondered what to do with all those built-in decorative stitches. Well this is the class for you. Students will make a small art quilt with flower images made from the machine's built-in decorative stitches Students will learn how to alter the stitches and what to do with the stitches once they are altered.
To view students work from this class go to the pop down menu under classes.
My 3 hour classes are available thru Zoom
I charge $350 for the 3 hour class plus $14 per kit which includes postage
So gather a group of friends to join me in these fun and easy workshops
You will learn all sorts of new information about your sewing machine functions & many new techniques using your fun stitches
Stitched Surface Design

Class Description:
This is a very fun and easy class where the students will learn how to use the built-in decorative stitches to create different surface designtechniques that can be used in their quilts for years to come.
To view examples from this class go to the pop down menu under classes.
One Hour Lecture
Karen Linduska my FiberArt Journey
This lecture is available thru Zoom. I charge $150 for one hour that has tons of information, techniques, inspiration plus question and answer